Saturday, February 28, 2009

for kakei, and my friends

miss kakei,
why you think i wont write anything bout u in my blog?
i tell u what..
i will write everything about my friends in my blog! (=
and one thing...
im not just write football on my blog,
u can c through the 1st post until the last post..
football onli talk about a little ni.. )=

today im not feel good..
is it i sleep too long?
about 12 something i onli wake up...
for me its normal..
my record is 3 something..
but i had a long time didnt sleep for so long already..
maybe this made me felt dizzy when i wake up..
but..thats not the real reason for why im not feel good..
recently i got this feeling..
i felt like i lost something...
i know what is it..
a thing that keep in my heart for so long...
it lost?
i feel scare it lost actually..
cz i dont it lost..
i know im gonna let it go...
but after i let it go,
only i know what's the feeling...
the feeling of losing something important..
"should i give up, or should i just keep chasing pavements?"
its from adele's song..
im listening..
just like that..
i dont know what to do..
just let it be..

let's talk about friends,
lik ye,
i dont know actually u are angry with me ont?
maybe u dont,
and maybe now u dont know what is that im talkin about.
last time,
i ask u about why u post our conversation on ur blog?
actually i was joking that time..
just think that you will answer me "canot ah?" then smile..
but after that u answer me like very angry..i just feel like,
is it i cant ask anything from u?
cz i thought i was your very best friend so..and for me you are too!
now i just worry about whether you are still angry with me ont..

why sometimes some of you will feel like i dont care u anymore cz i didnt find u to chat like previous..
actually im didnt mean dont want to care..
i just a bit busy sometimes..
maybe assignment?
maybe that time i just come back from finish class..
i am damn tire and feel like duwan to chat that time...
and lik ye will say,"if u are busy then put busy on ur msn,
bcz u r on9 mode thats why i find u chat!"
yea..i know..
but sometimes just too lazy to adjust..

sorry about tat..
hmm..i cant talk about that that at here..
cz someone maybe will watch this..
so i cant broke the secret..
will talk about that later.
but if u watch this now...
i hope u will understand what i mean last time..
okay? (=

last thing..
finally i pass my driving test!!!
i get it b4 i become 20..
should celebrate huh?


Jia QI said...

hehe~ no la! thx for mention about me... Cow, it's ok. he can understand. He quite busy this lately~hehe