Monday, February 16, 2009

happy 19 birthday..

did anyone wish themselves like tat?
haa..i think got..
cz nt everyone in the world can get wish from their friends..
so i should feel happy,
cz even i was in inti nw..
the friends in Ipoh still greet me too..
and also the friends in inti..
thx for the present!

this all was my birthday present this year!
a wallet from my dear sister!
a puzzle ball from my inti friends!
cz they know i like football~(=
and a birthday card from fong yee..
really thx!
i felt so happy,
it was the greatest day in my life..
since last two years ago,
tat was the last time i felt so happy.
last year i spend my birthday in NS,
i cant say it is worst..

never say,
cz the friend there was help me to celebrate too!
it cant compare cz it is the place problem..
it is damn nice already to have a cake on the nasional service..
yee voon sing me a birthday song through the webcam,
muk lim give me a call when he is in negeri sembilan,
after tat u all,send me a warmest wish to me..(=
and the match,
Derby vs Man Utd,
MU won with the score 4-1!
adn yeah! Ronaldo scored!
i consider his goal is score for me..hehe

last friday finally i went back to Ipoh!
and at last i went to the night market!
wow! i am almost didnt go there for 3 months..
too many barriers..
and the next day,
it was valentines day! was noting special for me..
for 18 years..
i was watching some of my friends is making something for their gf,
and some of my friends didnt prepare anything..
how come didnt prepare anything?==
anyway,the point is they can spend with their gf..
i never know what is the feeling to have tat day wit gf...
anyone can tell me?
hmm..and this day,
i was going to bukit merah with friends..
almost 11 something onli reach there...
sorry my friends,it was my fault..
but i need to cut hair 1st bcz im going back to inti at sunday.
so we had bought the ticket for water park and eko park..
1st we went to eko park 1st,
it was quite special inside there..
cz i can meet some animals i didnt see before..
after that we went to water park!
and the was a small accident for me..
my leg thumb's nail had dropped!
nt a bit but the whole nail..
feel like pain right?
but i didnt feel any pain..
until nw it still gt some part stick with my thumb..
i've tried to take it out but it will be like hell pain for me..
so i decided to let it drop by itself..==
and i cant use my left leg to play football..
the night,
we haven use out all our strength,
so we go to karaoke!
1st time to go there..
feel more nice than parade 1..
cz there got more eng songs..
and my face become red again after i drink some wine..
how come?==
after that we back at like 2am..
before tat,
wei kuan was having her 19 years old birthday..
she shared her cake with me and celebrate our birthday together!
cz her birthday is at feb15 and mine 1 is feb16..
what a coincidence!

finally i need to end my time at Ipoh..
good bye (=

i jump over cz it is already write on the top of this post.
it happens on juz nw..
suddenly rachel ask me to accompany her to da bao dinner..
i was wonder why so late already still haven eat..(it is 11pm tat time)
after tat, i go down and wait her..she was go down after tat..
i felt something wrong so i asked her some question..
her face was suddenly changed..(it was damn funny nw i think it)
after i walk through some block,
suddenly they all came out!
they are,steve,boon sin,wei xiang,zi hang..
they give me a cake and sing me a birthday song..
i was suprise and touch..
its true..
thanks for everything..

its 2:19am nw..
wish tml wont have quiz..
i haven study yet..
IM 19 NOW!!!yahoooooo


Jia QI said...

Do you know? That day i asked how bout your bday?happy?blablablaaaaa
Actually i was very sad. Feel like cry. I really can't tahan ald. But you seem happy. BTW, happy bday