Sunday, March 22, 2009

busy damn long week

uhh...finally have some time to update..
i think almost got three weeks i didnt touch about my blog..
it was damn busy for the past three weeks..
i dont have time to update at week day oso..
even today i just wanna write abit only...
just came back from the mamak near my hostel..
not the most near oso..the far 1..
cz that one got more nice atmosphere...
hmm..thought wanna watch liverpool lost..
but the result is not what i want..
i have nothing to say..
and MU lost 2-0 yesterday..
so nw just have only one point and one match advantage..

start from today,
i'll have three test and a assignment need to be submited...
and another one is next monday..
1st test is on tuesday..which is econ..the subject i most worry about..
2nd test is on wednesday...english..i got a "very nice" mark at the test 1....
3rd test is on thursday..account..the one subject i dont have to worry about in this semester...
the only assignment have to pass up on this week is eng..
another one on monday is account..i already finished my part..
and i'll do another i dont want to do the conclusion...

hmmm..too many things happened in this three weeks..
i almost confuse in my mind...
i dont know how to make a decision...
i dont know was that really important for me..
is it can i really give up?
i tried,but i realize that it wont be so easy..
ya..from my mouth it'll be easy..
but now i think i know what i want...
finally i get the answer from my mind?
i hope that is what i want.

that's all for today..
will update more after finish this busy damn long week!!
and i'll go back to IPOH!


M!N said...

waiting for u at DR PARK!
good place to release STRESS!

Gwen . huixin said...

wei wei...
chin siang~

i am huixin,d gal tat alwasy called u

hw r u recently?
seems like so bz huh....?

Gwen . huixin said...

i had link ur blog 2 my blog, hopes u dun mind ^^

ONLY -siang- said...

haha..ya..i dont mind..
a bit busy i didnt even come to my blog oso..
im fine..but i have my final on next week..)=
so how bout u??what is ur result?