Tuesday, November 10, 2009

holiday here again!
finally...ITS HOLIDAYYY!!! i got two months of free time to do whatever i want!
before i talk about my holiday..let's see what i've done in exam!
hmm..worst is the best word to descride it.
this exam i just need to focus on statistics and english..
only two subject i duno why i done so badly..!
the first subject is statistics and it is on friday...i come back to inti at monday.
that means i have five days to prepare my stat..
i've done 7 chapter except chapter 5 bcz i dont really know what it talks about..
so i just give up on this chapter..
there are 50 objective questions..but when i finish the first round..only like 13 questions that i confirm which are pass this subject, i must at least correct 18 questions!
when i done the second round..thank god i have 20..but there's another 30 questions i haven done yet..
when i keep on do the question, i feel like my confidence is getting less..
it was so disappointed..all the exercises i've done so hard was useless...
what i've done??shit?maybe.
the second subject is english..that's the last english i will be taken in my entire life!
okay..the lecturer said it is more easier than last sem's english..but i dont think so..
both have their hard way..i never think english is easy for me...
what topic will come out for the argumentative essay is what i concern the most!
finally the topic is not hard for me..and i did well..
but the letter and memo writting is a bit hard for me...
i just hope that i can pass it so that i wont have to face it again!

away from the exam..let me share about the PD trip!
although many people said that there was so dirty..and no more beauty..
but i dont really care about it..i like to go the beach..!
i dont know why i like to go so much..
i remember when i was small..i used to go the beach with my family and relatives..
i like that feeling...but the feeling now is just a memory..

everyone was grown up..busy working and doing their own works!
everyone is lack in communicate, they changed,
so..let's start!
this trip was actually organized by my friend's friend from another program..
which means that i dont know about the people from this trip.
in other words, i was cheated by friend to this trip..
wait! dont think that im so stupid!
i know that the people going to this trip was from another program..
but my friend told me that how the room we live was..uhmm..hard to describe i just jump to the next part.
we actually staying in an apartment..its two apartment correctly!
one is for girl and another one is for boy.


the first thing we reach was to check out around and the BEACH!
we played volleyball!
and i really dumb in doing the exercise which needs hands!!
i cant even shoot the ball come??
see my stupid act..
then it is the beach..
from my opinion,
the beach is still okay for me..
but the sand is so rough..not like the others are soft.. =.=

actually i was kinda boring there..
just a few friends that i know only..
so i getting less talking there..keep emo-ing..
at the first night,i sleep at 11 someting..
bcz i am too tired..without getting any rest after finish the final!
but i cant get into the sleep so outside there is so NOISY!
they are playing game which the one who lose need to draw the face by their friend..
i just keep hearing the same scream by a girl.... lol secretly jealous them.
i wake up at 12 something on the second day,
cz i know i will be very boring if i wake up too early!
so i just try to get into sleep when everytime i wake up..
i think im already wake up for eight times..bcz of those snoring and the one who sleep beside me keep grabing my blanket.. )=
that day we prepared spaghetti for the lunch..
it was cooked by the rice cooker..rice cooker was actually an amazing invention!
uhmm..finally we played banana boat !
this is the first time i play!
when i started to play..i just wonder how are we gonna fall into the water..
but after waiting for long time..the guy who driving the boat seems dont want to make us fall into the water..
suddenly,he turned to left..and the boat fell!
haaha..not bad..!
after that, some of the people are playing the turbo blast..they said it was more fun then the banana boat..!
i dont want to play it at 1st...but then a friend ask me to i just be her partner...but at last we didnt play cz its too late..the sky was getting too dark..ohh...what a waste!
on the last day! we checked out at 12pm..
and i wake up at 11.30pm..due to the last night..
they plan secretly to celebrate of their friend's birhtday..
bcz this is their last trip already..most of them will further their study at aussie..
so after this they will not meet again...
hmm..i got a weird feeling when i heard this...
anyway..i'll just wish them good luck here..and thanks to organize such a great trip!

great to talk with you again!
its like two months we didnt talk to each other!i wonder why..
i feel sorry also! promised that no next time!
actually last sem i want to talk to you already..but i just delay until the holiday..
then when the holiday start,i duno how im gonna do..
i scared..why huh?
haha..but its okay now..!
as you said, we talked! c=