Saturday, October 24, 2009

okay,finally im here again.
that doesn't means im free now..
i am very very busy come still have time to blog huh?=.=
hmmm..actually im having my final on the next friday..and the exam ends at saturday!
it takes two days only!
after that i will be having two months of holiday!
finally it is my turn now!
when i look backward at last year when i was in this moment..
i was having long semester and need to stay along november and half of december in inti..
it is like sucks for me now..luckily im not now..
okay..let's talk about what i've done for this semester..
i did a lot of assignmentsss and presentationss.. far so good i think...
i almost become crazy thanks to the assignments...
it was like doing an impossible mission!!
but finally i did it!
the presentations were like shit except the last one..
that one was the best ever presentation for me since i didnt look into the notes and only talk about what i am thinking but didnt lost my way...
"good!" the lecturer said! haha..i was damn happy and i didnt expect the lecturer will give me a high marks for the presentation...
she gave me 24 over 30...the highest 1 i think it is 25 over 30 from teck long..
i do hate this lecturer very much bcz i think she directed against me from every time..
i dont think i have make her angry...i did listen to her when she's lecturing us...
i dont know what i've done wrong and what's her problem..
anyway..she's the lecturer i hate the most and had made me so angry..

actually now i suppose to do my revision..
although still got many time now..
but when u procrastinate and u wont know how fast the time is passing..
just like you wasting ur time looking at my
but i dont think anyone will look into my blog already since i am less update now..
hmm..dont know when is the next time i will be here again..but at least finish the final 1st!
bless me and give a wonderful holiday.


ABOUT WX said...

gayao =)

Vooneey said...

i do drop by your blog often.(;
good luck in your finals.

yE said...

hey!!!!found your blog finally!wow~its been a long long time i never meet you
never heard from you
how ya?
should find one day and meet you someday
i'll be free after stpm =)

ONLY -siang- said...

WX: thanks a lot!

Voon:me too!visit you in singapore!!!

Phoebe:haha..see ur recent photo in kar kar's birthday! fine..and im having holiday now!really long time adi...hmm..we gotta meet after u finish stpm!its a must!!take care ya and good luck for STPM!! (=