Friday, August 13, 2010

2 more

Hello! this is Kah Yan

She was left to US last week to further her study..
im still remember i was making a card for her at the same time now last week!
well,i just lost an important friend again..
not that really lost, it least i wont see her for three years..
but maybe she will come back when she got save enough (according to her!)
sure i'll miss her a lot, since she is really nice to me...
she accompany me for movies,
we used to play squash together last time in inti..
it's good enough for me although we didnt know for very long,
even though the memories are short,
but it meant a lot to me..
take care at there, Kah Yan! :)

hmm,just want to blog for while..
actually im still in the final exam period..
two more subjects to go!
most of the people will finish at tml...
how could this happen to me again and again?
why must be me to finish at the last everytime? feels suck!
i actually get used to it already..
i can get more time to study since i got more free time...
but the FACT is, i didnt study at all!!!
i watch series, surf net and chat!
guess im gonna work 2 times harder..

i can't talk more longer!
i think this is the last time i will blog before the final is finish!
oh ya, the fact no.2 is library is better to study than my room..
so im gonna be there tml!
good night!


Stefanie said...

I hope the finals went well!!! You can officially enjoy your holiday right now, if I'm not mistaken. Teehee!

Happy Holiday btw. Have fun!

ONLY -siang- said...

HAHA!!Im enjoying noww!thanks :)
but have to work for my dad to earn some money~to buy a lens and the rest for the trip to S'pore at Dec!
how bout you? :)

Stefanie said...

wow, what a great planner! Ya, lens is quite costly to students, but definitely worth buying it.

Me? As usual, I'm just being a queen at home, well, a sick one. Having a long rest. :)

ONLY -siang- said...

haha.i just wanna buy the cheap one!a potrait lens~ still can afford that! :)

okie, you take care of yourself! have a good rest! :D