Thursday, January 8, 2009

its too boring

it was the fourth day from the start of this semester,
the las sem of my foundation..
after this i gotta choose my degree program.
bt what should i choose?
business admin?
or account?
my 1st choice was marketing..
second choice mayb finance?
hmm..nt sure...
reali nt sure..
i duno whether should i choose marketing or not.
cz my eng was reali too bad!
so..mayb im nt suit in this program..
bt my sis told me,my eng will improve by study in an english speaking environment,
so she told me dun hav to worry..
i dun think so..
i din speak eng at here except to lecturer and non chinese...
hmmm..duwan to think it so much nw..
there are still got many time...
yea..its fourth day for this semester..
i felt tat i cant concentrate enough on the class...
duno why...
i will DIE if i still maintain this kind of attitude..
cz the system nw adi changed..
60% coursework marks and 40% for the final exam..
so that means the coursework mark is damn important...
cant be funny on the test adi..
must face it like final exam...
oh shit is i have two test on the following week of CNY..
so how im gonna take driving test?and i wan to拜天公oso..
damn lecturer..
i reali din enjoy my life nw...
i missed a lot of things in my life since i've been catch to

hmm...crazy play football since monday until yesterday..
play until my leg become numb..
and yet my boots had broke on the 1st day i play football at
gonna buy a new one...
mayb total 90 for this time?
actually i like mercury..
and my new room,
H block..
my previous block is E,
so E to H,u can imagine how far nw if i wanna go to my class..
its a single room,
but more comfortable than the room b4 i stayed..
and the clothes is more easier to dry..about half day i think.

okay,tml will go to wei peng's house..
in wangsa maju..
haven go that place b4...
wish to visit UTAR..
is there any different wit inti?

i reali dun hav mood to write actually..
there are too many things that trouble me...
some are reali nt worth for me to think..
i just cant control it..
i wish i can back ipoh nw...
miss u all guys,
my family,