Monday, January 12, 2009

its 3 nil

wonder what happen with MU..
but i mention chelsea will have a big lost on Old Trafford before the match start..
finally it become true!!
go mamak and watch wit the frens here..
wear MU jersey,
and the atmosphere there was so cool!!
i never will forget this night i think..
1st from vidic,actually is Ronaldo..
but the goal was disallowed by stupid lineman..
then the 2nd was from rooney and 3rd was berbatov...
yea..they score again...
it was DAMN FUN to watch chelsea lost like that!!!

okay,juz back from wangsa maju,
went to wei peng's house on friday..
when we having dinner,
we talked about the things happen on scout..
its so DAMN FUNNY..
and laugh almost 1 hour i think?
it is not onli funny but meaningful too!
those memories help me to grow up..

on the next day,
i bought a pair of boots at KLCC..
its total 90 shoot II.
it cost rm129..
its too cheap...
im worry tat boots quality whether is good ont..
after tat juz go chee cheong gai...
nearly bought a fake arsenal jersey..
but bcz of rm2 ,then my fren duwan to buy
an original jersey cost rm259 i think..
bt im not an arsenal fans..
so i can buy the fake jersey(=
a fake jersey juz onli

after that sunday,it was a long long way to back nilai from wangsa maju..
i rather to use the time to back ipoh)=
actually i use the most time is to wait the KTM..
slow like a tortoise,
and nt safe at all..
so what mean for?
decided not going back until CNY..
still got long time...
anyone here help me to get some fun here?


M!N said...

MAN U rocks!
bought boots again ar?!?!geng
faster come back so that can use ur boots then!