Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mom day

this year i didnt celebrate mother's day.
because i cant,not i dont want..
i need to go back to inti earlier than previously because im taking bus to go back...
with my friends,from inti.
they went to Ipoh to take a tour..
and they all stayed in my apartment. (=
it was great to stay with them and take them to go somewhere else Ipoh and eat something delicious.
and..i feel sorry for some of them who sit my car,
cz i dont really know about Ipoh's road..
it was a shame huh?
for an Ipoh guy who dont know Ipoh's road.
and sorry again,
for the friends i cant accompany yesterday,
Pak Long..Happy Birthday to you!
sorry i cant attend more earlier your party.
For inti's, all come from so far,
and i couldn't give all my time to accompany you all.
i felt apologize.

hmm..and sorry mom!
i will celebrate with u in this coming saturday.

i got too few time to do many things!!

i dont really know im gonna write..
i just felt kinda boring..
and dont want to sleep...
tomorrow class is start at 12pm,
i think i can wake up at 11am.
about the subject im taking in this semester now,
it was damn boring..
and annoying..
cz im almost study again what i had learned in foundation now,
the econs,account,information tech...
the class is new,
the classmate is new,
the lecturer is new,
the environment is new,
no more foundation friends,
nobody can chat in the class,
so that i can concentrate in the class,
and fall asleep after half an hour.
three more years to go,
it's just the begining....