Sunday, May 3, 2009


i will take finance as my degree program.
actually i dont have anything to write tonight..
sometimes i just wanna express my feeling at here...
maybe because i dont know how to share my problems wth friends..
and i dont want to cause them problem too..
because it is my problem,not theirs.
and maybe they cant really help me too..
so..i just solve it by myself.

let's talk about my degree..'s great to go through the degree..
while most of my friends still work hard in form six...
i am the fastest one to study in degree...
what challenge will come to me?
i dont know...
so..instead of being worried and disturbed in my degree life,
i rather to work more harder to get 1st honor degree.
i hope i can do so..
my parents sure will become very happy if i did.
i never get a better result since i study in secondary school..
i failed my student's life since standard 5 i think?
i felt really disappointed i cant get any awards in foundation..
im sorry,i didnt do it well.
i really want to do something that makes me feel proud in my degree,
at least an award? will be my future.
i never thought i will take this course..
because my sis already studied this course,so i wont be taking anymore.
but now..sighs..
anyway,i know what i decide now is right.
i got no choice but to trust myself.

im appreciate everthing u said to me.
i feel great now,thank you so much.

today is the 1st day for me in inti for this semester,
i got no feeling at all,
what i miss now is holiday,
the two weeks holiday is too short for me,
i wonder why other people want to come back here so much..
i couldn't understand at all.
there are many things which i dont understand..
i cant ask for too many now.
im trying to restore everything that i mess up..
im so sorry.


M!N said...

huh?thank me for wat?
wat i've said? asked u to get a gf aR?...hehe..kidding..
beat those johor ppl and get the 1st class hons!!

ONLY -siang- said...

haa..whatever la.