Monday, June 7, 2010


here i am again!
okay,i decided to blog since i got no more class after 10am today..
some more i know that i would be lazy to blog at night,
and maybe i wont be around my room..'s a good time to blog now huh??

well,i went back to Ipoh at last friday by yoyo bus..
the people who knows me should be suprise why i take yoyo..
the fare of the yoyo bus is much more expensive than other normal bus..
cz it is the bus company who serves for those passengers from KLIA..(and inti students sometimes.)
this was the 1st time i take this im not so familliar with this bus..i felt quite worry when i want to take bus from inti to KLIA..
dont ask me why im this is me..
worry of whether got bus to go KLIA or not..(surely there must be some buses to go KLIA)..but im still worry..why?i said dont ask me already!
oh ya,and worry that whether i can find the yoyo bus counter or not..
hmmm,after i reached then only realized that i was stupid to worry so much.
the things go well,the counter was easy to find..the bus came and reach on time..even the bus spent three hours to reach Ipoh!(imagine how fast the driver drive the bus!)
after i reached Ipoh..i did something really stupid..
i asked the driver whether can drop me at medan gopeng or not..
i saw that he stared at me and knob his head..seems like he is angry or what..
i was thinking maybe he started to feel annoy after so many passengers asked him to drop them here and there..
NO! i was wrong!
when he drop me at medan gopeng then only i know what i did wrong..!
he is a chinese, and i just asked him by using malay.......
he spoke cantonese with a chinese passenger..
ahh!shit! sorryyy! i was thinking..!
sometimes im really weak to differentiate chinese and malay..
cz the outlook of the driver was quite like malay..
and since i took so many buses at pudu last time..i never saw a chinese driver..

saturday night,
i was playing futsal with friends..
its been a long time i didnt play football..
so i was like playing with my endless energy!
it feels so good to play with a bunch of friends..
making jokes and did stupid things when playing are the most happiest moment..
too bad Min was leave early as he brought his NEW GF!(hehe.didnt mean to promote your gf here.)
and she wanted to go back early..(damn!)
i was planning not to let him score in front of his gf..but failed huh!
anyway,im still enjoy the match very much.
and soon you guys will leave for the uni already..

i think i was thinking too much recently..
i felt tired already..really tired..
didn't mean that i can't concentrate at class..
improve a lot of focus at class already..
but outside the class is hard...
i felt better when i was at home(Ipoh).
that's why i felt that i don't want to stay at here...
the only way to thinking is do exercise..
but the court was fully booked..(damn 2!)

okay,due to the last few posts,
my friend asked me that,
whether i worry other people will look at my blog ont..
i actually wrote something bad there..
i tell you what,
i dont want to apologize here and i think i dont need to..
this is my blog,and that's the only way i could express myself..
nowadays i can't find a better one to dump my ya understand?
yeah,you can just don't go to my blog anymore if you want.
i dont want to become one of the hypocrite in inti..
most of the people were wearing a mask when they walk out from their..
even they still wearing at their room..
i dont need a mask to protect myself,
when you see me,that's the real me.
screw the mask!


M!N said...

ooooops!!! title post as futsal caught my eyes very easily!

ONLY -siang- said... dare you still talking about futsal!dont you try to go back early next time!!